An Internet accelerator has been designed to increase internet speed up the process of downloading images and media over a dialup connection. It does this with a compression technology. The accelerator will actually compress all data and files, which means that your websites will now load a faster rate. This is especially useful when you visit the same sites repeatedly, because most accelerators have a save feature that allows you to keep something similar to a copy of the website to download faster the very next time you need to access the website.
Faster Than Standard Dialup
Even if you live in an area with DSL, Cable, or wireless capabilities, these options can really start to put a dent in your checkbook. If you are on a budget and simply cannot afford these higher speed connections, dial up with an Internet accelerator may be the right option for you. You can still access your favorite Internet sites for less money than those using cable or DSL and still faster than those using standard dial up without any type of accelerator.
Many dial up companies are now offering Internet accelerators as part of their standard packages. In some cases, it may be the same price as the dial up package or you may have to pay a small additional fee to get the accelerator, but it worth the small fees charged by dial up companies. You can optimize your dial-up modem as far and as fast as it could possibly go, without having to spend a small fortune to get it. It Just Make Sense
It just makes sense to use web accelerators with your dial up Internet connection. You will just love the added speed, the added support, and the added time it gives you. Generally, you have to wait forever for your dial up connection to load your favorite websites, now you can load them in half the time, which mean have the wait. Get started with faster dial up right now.
Broadband is becoming an increasingly important feature of our everyday lives. From the way we run our businesses to the way we spend our free time, broadband is here to stay and if you haven't found a supplier yet it's about time you did. That aside, broadband can be an expensive business unless you're entirely familiar with the tricks of the trade required to get a good deal. After all, most broadband services are generic and it's just a case of paying for specification - therefore there's no reason not to realise these savings on your broadband package to increase internet speed.
The first thing that often determines pricing on a monthly basis is contract length. A month to month rolling contract will be far more expensive to maintain than a twenty-four month fixed agreement. Because you are committing more value to the provider the longer you sign up, the more you can be incentives for doing so. As a result, simply by tying yourself in for longer you can save a great deal of your monthly spends for the same level of service whilst also removing the hassle of having to continually change broadband providers.
Next, most customers fail to understand that their residence can actually have a significant bearing on their level of broadband service. Depending on where you live, it's something of a lottery as to the speed of broadband you can receive. Some homes can receive top speed broadband and other can receive only a fraction, yet there are still people paying for up to 8meg broadband despite a physical inability to receive that speed. Rather than paying for what they can receive, these people pay through the nose for no extra service - a simple way to lose money on a monthly basis. Check out the broadband speed in your area and only pay for what you can receive - it makes sense, but is so often overlooked.
Finally, the free modem and/or router problem is one that plagues money-conscious broadband customers worldwide. Obviously, the unit cost is spread through the monthly payments depending on your contract length, but could this still provide good value for money? It all depends on the cost of the router and what you would have to pay for your broadband on a monthly basis if you were to forgo the free model. By sizing it up on that basis, you should be able to calculate whether you're getting a good deal.
Securing a broadband package is something we all like to do with haste whenever we move house or finish up on our existing contracts. However that doesn't mean that we have to rush in blind to a bad deal. By thinking laterally about the services offered by the providers it is possible to understand where you can realise cost savings to help make sure that your broadband bill is as low as it possibly can be without compromising the service you can expect to receive from your provider, to leave you with more money in your pocket to spend once you actually get online.
Source : High Speed Internet
Switching To Broadband Internet - Is It Really Worth It?
0 comments Posted by Deepti Sharma at 4:45 AMThe internet is a growing and dynamic entity. Growing in exponential rate everyday and changing as just as fast. Naturally companies try to offer access to internet in growing number of ways. Dial-up, Broadband, Wi-fi and such. But we'll talk about broadband today and is it really that necessary to switch from dial-up to broadband.
Is it worth it to switch to broadband service? As most things are, it depends on you're situation. Dial-ups are cheap, today it's almost dirt cheap. That’s it's advantage, but don't expect to surf the net in cruising speed. If speed is what you want then broadband is significantly faster that dial-ups.
Back to the question. What really helps in deciding if switching to broadband is a must. Is try to ask yourself "How do I use the internet for?". By the way I’m a big fan of the saying “Questions Are Answers”.
If you're using the internet for:
- checking and sending e-mail
- chatting (without video)
- surfing for text based information
Then switching to broadband is a waste of money. like most people, they just use the internet for checking and sending e-mails. Dial-up will work for you just as fine.
If you're using the internet for:
- Downloading movies and music
- Watching streaming videos
- Chatting with video and voice
- Playing online games
Just like me. I use the internet for online games, checking my websites, downloading music and videos. So broadband was a huge help for my internet life.
To conclude. The internet is becoming the wave of the future. Easy access to information and services. But switching to broadband is up to you and you're needs. So I suggest that you ask yourself "How do I use the internet for?". Knowing the answer would be a great help in deciding if broadband internet is for you.
Does your broadband connection seem sluggish and slow? If so, try these tips for getting the most from your available connection speed and to improve internet speed.
Change your router
If you want to connect to broadband via a wireless network you need a wireless router. They can differ in performance levels and ease of use
Spring clean your browser
Every time you access a web page through your web browser, the browser stores or ‘caches’ it. Periodically clearing out your browser’s cache will help it to function more efficiently. To do this in:
Clean your browsers ‘cache’ regularly |
Internet Explorer 7
From the Tool menu, click Internet Options. Select the General tab. Under browsing history click Delete. Next to temporary internet files, click Delete files. Click Close and then OK to exit.
Firefox 2
From the Tools menu, select Clear Private Data, and then choose Cache.
From the Safari menu, select Empty Cache. When prompted click Empty to confirm that you want to empty the cache.
Secure your wireless network
If your wireless network is unsecured then your neighbours may be logging onto it and sharing your broadband connection. This will decrease your own broadband speeds. You can secure your network by accessing the security settings within your router’s browser.
The time of day
Be aware that more people are attempting to access the internet at certain times of day than at others. Peak times include when
Watch your distance
If possible try and connect your router or ADSL modem to the main telephone socket in your house. Also, if connecting the router or modem directly to a computer, use the shortest cables you can.
Boost your Wi-Fi signal
If you use wireless, rather than moving your PC closer to the router you could try replacing the aerial. The longer the aerial, the better the signal and the further its reach.
If you are contemplating broadband service for your Internet connection, you may have a general idea as to what is involved in broadband service. However, with that said, you actually may understand very little about broadband Internet service. Generally speaking, a person is better able to make an appropriate determination about a product or service if that person has a basic understanding about a given product or service in advance. The same holds true for broadband Internet service in the 21st century.
Broadband technically is defined as a transmission method that is capable of supporting or carrying a wide range of different frequencies. For example, the typical broadband connection or carrier is able to carry audio frequencies all the way up to more complex video frequencies. The interesting feature of broadband is found in the fact that such a protocol is able to carry multiple signals at the same time. This is accomplished by broadband being able to divide up its transmission capacity into different, distinct, independent bandwidth channels. Each of these independent channels within a complete broadband operates only within a specific range of designated frequencies.
Broadband communications or traffic are carried over designated lines, designated broadband lines. In most instances, broadband communications and transmissions are carried over coaxial or optical cable lines. These lines are being laid in new venues constantly. There has been a real drive in recent years to make broadband widely available in many cities and towns across the world.
One of the other characteristics that many people in both their personal and professional lives appreciate about broadband is found in the fact that it provides fast access to the Internet and World Wide Web. A person can access the Web and Net through a broadband connection many, many times faster than he or she could otherwise access the Internet through such avenues as dial up or DSL.
In addition, broadband is a very versatile medium. As mentioned previously, it is capable of transmitting audio and visual elements from a variety of sources of resource all at the same time. Therefore, through this versatile medium, you can most definitely multitask on the Internet. Additionally, thanks to broadband, you can view television programming, radio programming and even make telephone calls using the resources of the Internet and World Wide Web.
When broadband first was introduced onto the market, it actually was a rather expensive method for communicating, for accessing the various offerings of the Internet. However, in recent years, as broadband availability as increased dramatically, the costs associated with broadband have also dropped significantly. Indeed, many people have found broadband to be a very affordable alternative to other forms of connecting with the Net and for receiving other types of communication products and services.
Most Internet experts believe that within the very immediate future, broadband will be the most common way for people the world over to access the Internet and World Wide Web for a while variety of reasons and purposes.
Almost 90% of internet users in the UK use a broadband connection, with average speeds of 2-8 Mbps. But because of technology becoming more and more advanced, such speeds may soon be too slow. Fortunately, there are new systems being developed which could deliver super-fast broadband to our homes.
The first is the use of fibre optics instead of the current copper cables. These fibres can carry speeds between 50Mbps and 100Mbps both upstream and downstream, meaning that uploading files to your online storage could be just as fast as downloading media from a website. Fibre optic systems can be expensive, in the region of £15 billion, but it could well be a reality in a few years.
VDSL (Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line) is a cheaper option which combines the use of optics with copper. VDSL can handle high bandwidth applications like VoIP and HDTV, as well as general internet access. Rolling out VDSL across the country will involve building 90,000 cabinets to house the cables at street level and will give users speeds of around 30Mbps
Wi-Fi has been available in the UK for some time, but the next generation, WiMax, will be able to deliver high speeds, around 70Mbps, over much longer distances, approximately 50km, all without the use of cables. In many countries WiMax is the predominant broadband infrastructure, and it shouldn't be too long before it becomes as commonplace as Wi-Fi in the UK.
Cable was perhaps the first method of delivering broadband to homes, and the protocol used currently is DOCSIS 1.0 (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification). Version 1.0 is capable of speeds of up to 38Mbps, and a version 3.0 is being trialled in parts of the UK, and noting speeds of 50Mbps. It's hoped that eventually, DOCSIS will deliver around 120Mbps. This system has another advantage; unlike current methods, the connection speed isn't reliant on being close to the local exchange, and speeds should be consistent among all users.
But while these systems are still widely unavailable, there are a variety of other options for any broadband customer wanting to get a faster connection. Take a broadband speed test to find out what your current connection speed is. Use the internet to compare broadband packages to see if you can get a better deal.
'Broadband' can seem like a totally different language - MAC codes, line speed, capacity, routers, modems, LAN, WAN - does anyone really understand what all these mean? Unfortunately, this is an area of heavy jargon and it's important that you are able to come to terms with these factors in order to understand when you're getting a good deal, and to assist you in making your broadband package selection. Additionally, the contract terms offered by some broadband providers are in themselves equally confusing, and making sense of what's going on can be a tricky process. So what should you look for in selecting a broadband package, and what does it all mean?
Well, luckily for you you don't really have to understand what they all mean. But you do have to have a rudimentary knowledge of what you can expect. The most common base line is maximum speed, which will be expressed as KBPS, or kilobytes per second. Alternatively, it's just cited as being '2 meg' or '8 meg', as in 'megabytes per second'. Whilst the speed you choose will depend on what you use your broadband for, it will also turn on the quality of your broadband access and some local areas are physically incapable of receiving some faster speeds as a result of their current infrastructures. That said, bear in mind when you're buying an expensive package to investigate whether or not you can actually receive the full benefits of your contract.
Another common thing that is a feature of broadband packages is router inclusion. Many providers run special promotions that give away routers in order to encourage sign up. What many customers don't realize is that routers are essential components of the broadband setup if you intend to use more than one computer on that package, and thus it may actually prove to be a good value proposition if you can get a router thrown in for no extra cost.
Where this is an issue, just be sure that you understand the terms of the contract you're getting into. Some providers have contracts on a rolling monthly basis which can be good for students or for those that move a great deal for business reasons. However the vast majority look to tie down customers for twelve or even eighteen months at a time, with heavy 'get-out' penalties which can be quite restrictive. What that means is that you have to take care to ensure you end up choosing the right provider to begin with to avoid encountering any problems with long contract terms.
Broadband packages can present the opportunity for good value for money. Whether you are a consumer or a business, it's a crucial service in modern life and understanding what it is you require is half the battle in getting on your way to a bargain. By understanding both the technical aspects of the package as well as the terms and conditions of the contract to which you are agreeing, you can be fully prepared for any nasty surprises that happen to arise later down the line.
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